Chasing Lazarus
Finding my way homeSummer
I'm talking to God again. I don't feel like he is absent anymore. It isn't what it should be, it is far from ideal, but I've found my way back to talking to him. Through other people and their needs of course, not for myself. That's how it always comes, for me. When...
The theme of last year was abandonment and safety, security and fear. It was a difficult year in many ways, and ended on an incredibly low note. I had quite the row with the Almighty, and we know how that always turns out. But I needed to say my piece before I could...
The idol of health
In a lifetime of health problems, in a never ending series of doors and hallways leading from doctor to nurse to needles to emergency rooms, with a regular flow of bottles of pills and colored liquids until the most scientific and necessary of medicines takes on a hue...
Like a child
Why is praying so difficult? It shouldn't be. I remember a time when it was easy. As a child, I prayed often. It was an ongoing conversation, one i was eager to explore. There was a time, for a while, when as an adult, God made it easy for me. He removed my ability to...

Brief Notes on the Office and Pope Francis
As I was praying last night, (time having proceeded in its annoyingly regular fashion), I was struck by a thought. Not a novel thought, certainly, but perhaps a small note to throw into the current conversation on our Holy Father, Pope Francis. This father of ours has...
Tree Goes Here
Position: Sometimes up, sometimes down, but quite often horizontal.
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